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Useful information about specific plants

Julie Borneman
Plant Profile: Monarda
Boy, do I love Monardas! They are great performers in the garden, the pollinators love them and they are blooming right now. My Monarda...

Julie Borneman
The War on Invasive Plants
Here at Watermark Woods we have some huge problems with invasive plants. We pull them out as best we can, but they always seem to have...

Julie Borneman
Cultivar Research
The debate on wether or not it is ok to use cultivars is always a hot one. Native plant gardeners typically fall somewhere on the...

Julie Borneman
Certified Horticulturist
Watermark Woods is pleased to announce that we now have a Virginia Nursery and Landscape Certified Horticulturist on Staff. After a lot...

Julie Borneman
Plant Profile: Podophyllum - Mayapples
This is a nice educational video about Mayapples. Certainly worth a watch. Thanks, Alonso the Capital Naturalist, for this great video!...

Julie Borneman
Time to buy plants!
It a perfect weekend for planting. The weather will be nice, the earth is soft and there is a chance of rain Sunday night. Everything in...
Julie Borneman
Spring has sprung!
Spring has sprung and before we know it summer will be here. Everything in the nursery is looking good! We are adding to the inventory...

Julie Borneman
Invasive Species Week
This week is invasive species week. We should all take a little time to educate ourselves about invasive species. Wether or not you are...

Julie Borneman
When the forsythia blooms I know spring is near. Some folks also use the forsythia blooms to know when to prune their roses or...

Julie Borneman
Deer Resistant Natives
By far the most common question I get is what plants are deer resistant. There are a lot of deer resistant plant lists out there and they...
Julie Borneman
Doug Tallemy
I was so surprised when my entire family showed interest in attending a lecture on native plants. It is not easy to convince teenage...
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